Radio Northwich - Your town your music
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Thursday 6th February
Txt Studio 07592 574 352

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Presenter Mike Johnson

Radio Northwich Presenter Mike Johnson Delighted to be given the chance to roll out some of the tunes that have been festering in the attic for years (.. and years !!). This new monthly show will hopefully invoke some memories for the over 50s and very probably horrify the rest. It will be a good humoured look at the musical progression that has taken place since the pioneering days of chart acts. Co-presenters Di Mather, Johnny Chattell and I look forward to entertaining you so you are more than welcome to pop in and have a listen . . - Message me via our VIP Request button, WhatsApp, our Facebook Page, or Txt me on 07592 574 352.. See our Schedule page for full details of all our shows.

Radio Northwich
16A Leicester Street (Unit 24b)
Northwich, Cheshire CW9 5LA.
Telephone: 01606 218016
Mobile: 07470 342675
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